3 thoughts on “Child Theme for oriental – Oriental Writing

  1. Hello 😀
    This seems to be a perfect theme for my website! I love it!
    I was just wondering if there is a way to have summary (or excerpts) of the posts? Are there other versions of “Oriental”? Let me know. Thank you so much 🙂

  2. Hello,

    I love this theme very much and uses for my Chinese Culture blog at http://www.tionghoa.com.
    Unfortunately, I just noticed that the “Older Posts” link that usually located near the footer is not showing in this theme.
    I use 1.0.3.
    I use Google to find other blogs that using this theme, and there is no “Older Posts” too.
    Please help.

    Also, I would like to inform that the Live Preview on this post not showing Oriental Writing, but It’s A Girl. 🙂

    This theme is wonderfullllllll… Love it very much….. 🙂

  3. Go it.
    Simple fix on /oriental/style.css
    Under “Navigation” section.
    On site-navigation, adjust the font size into more than 1em, I use 2.6em.
    It is to big in my opinion, but at least it shows.

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