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upgraded to wordpress 2.3

I’ve upgraded to wordpress 2.3 mainly to use their new sidebar widget feature. I thought it will be overly cool to not have to rewrite the sidebar.php for every theme. However, I’d like to have different sidebars for different views. Like the sidebar for my index page would look different than the sidebar for my single post. I haven’t yet figured out how to create additional sidebar for a theme. Do you know how to do it? Please share if you do. Thanks! N/M I figured out. It’s talked about here.

Consider the Ultimate Tag Warrior 3 plugin
If you are like me and use the UTW plugin, you might notice wordpress 2.3 now has its own native tags support. After the upgrade, I notice the old tags are not converted. I thought there must be already a way to convert them. Fortunately for us, wordpress 2.3 has also a built in way to convert your tags from the UTW plugin. Just go to your wordpress admin and look under Manage > Import. You will see the UTW import option.

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