
severe weather watch

woah scary!!

Severe weather is threatening parts of Iowa. A Tornado Watch is in effect until 10 o’clock tonight, a Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect until 7 o’clock, and a Flash Flood Watch has been issued until tomorrow morning. KCRG-TV9’s LIVE First Alert Pinpoint Doppler Radar shows showers strong showers & thunderstorms in north central Iowa, these storms will move into eastern Iowa later tonight.

from my local news website
i tell you they are not kidding. the wind outside is truly scary. it makes my windows raddle. andy’s still not home. i’m home alone with bubo. hugs bubo tightly…. arg… bubo is thrilled tho not scared at all and keeps want to go look outside of the window xD.

11 thoughts on “severe weather watch

  1. so mother nature decided to pester someone else besides us Jersey people eh?! cool. you’ll be fine. just do your thing and ignore it. 🙂

  2. poor dodo! hopefully the bad weather will pass. And it’s funny how dogs are completely oblivious to the danger outside, haha. But isn’t that why we love them? xD

  3. gosh..if i’m alone in that situation, i’ll be terrified as well. luckily we both have out little doggies to comfort us. your bubo and my momo 🙂

  4. I remember my first tornado experience. I was crying on the cell phone to my mom while curled up in a bathtub with my comforter over me and my laptop to my side. She said that if any emergency ever happened to grab my laptop! I had my dog with me too.. poor thing was as scared as i was!!

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